I was wondering if there was a way to calculate the SDL airdrop. I looked on twitter and here but haven’t found a clear way to understand it.
Hi @NotNotDerek, thanks for your question. You can find the actual amounts and the eligibility criteria per tranch here. But in short:
4,779,332 SDL to previous LPL Holders based on the 2022-11-25 snapshot.
4,779,332 SDL to previous LPL Holders (excluding LinkPool) based on the 2022-11-25 snapshot who also retained greater than 50% of their original SDL allocation as of 2022-12-16.
4,779,332 SDL to SDL holders, stakers, or individuals who provided SDL as liquidity to the SushiSwap SDL/LINK liquidity pool as of the December 16th snapshot.
Bonus: Unmigrated LPL Holders that retained 100% of their allocation and migrated to SDL by April 3rd would qualify for the three tranches.
Hi, thanks so much for taking the time to answer my question as I have a hard time getting it answered on twitter.
Is it here a way to go more in depth though? I basically wanted to know from the amount of LP (or even the SDL converted amount) I had, what should I be receiving. Based on the above criteria you posted.
I’m trying to figure out, based on my share and staking etc, how to calculate the amount.
Not sure if this is making sense. Thanks again