Hey @Zedzies, thanks for raising this proposal and showing your strong support.
I’m in favour of this proposal. As others has mentioned, LinkPool fronting costs for the DAO is unfeasible as time goes on as it both restricts the DAO and also the growth of LinkPool. The DAO holding a stables balance is ideal and will be able to sustain current amount of expenses for 2+ years while making payments more seamless for the DAOs partners.
The ideal scenario for any proposal like this is to get a reasonable price based on current market conditions with the buying party being involved in the Chainlink network for a long period. In my opinion, this proposal meets that criteria resulting in a good signal for the wider community and solidifying it’s long-term prospects for the larger audience.
To be candid, the treasury making a deal at the current SDL price is far from ideal. Although with the size of the deal respective to the amount in treasury, I would argue that the deal amount is in an ideal spot in respective to current expenses and provides too much benefit to vote against.