Thank you for raising the temp check for this @Asymmetric, a great example that anyone in the community can build to make sure stLINK remains the #1 LINK LST.
I have been using our low market capitalization as a “bullish selling point” in the last year, and while it could be seen as positive to some, I don’t believe it fully reflects the real on-chain statistics of As @EqS mentioned above, there are many 0yr locked SDLs in reSDL NFTs, which can become “circulating” instantly, while the 1/2/3/4yr locked NFTs can be bought as locked positions in platforms like OpenSea.
I will also add that for most projects, non-circulating tokens are considered a bearish threat for future “unlocks”. This is not the case for SDL’s distribution (see pic added), and we are aware which tokens will be circulating per their vesting structures (whether it is the 15 NOPs or other vesting outlined in SLURP8). I think it is naive to assume those who just found out about SDL will do a research deep enough to understand how the distribution really is. Needless to say this is purely optics matter, and the facts are on chain - but I believe this will better present to the market, which is why I support it.
If we do not reach consesus, we should consider having an on-chain reSDL vote.